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New Tournaments Begin

The First of Every month!

Play up to Five Times in Each 

Tournament – All for FREE!

Welcome to We created this site for slot machine enthusiasts to have fun playing in slot tournaments without requiring any entry fees!

And, who are we? Well, since 1992 we have been publishing an annual guide book to all U.S. casino/resorts, riverboats and Indian casinos. We also publish that information on our website at

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Our FREE Slot Tournaments

FREE Tournament 47

Mobile Only

Begins 2/1/25 12:01 am

Ends 2/28/25 11:59 pm

All times are EST

Prize pool is $2,150

16 cash prize winners!


Slot Tournament FAQs

A slot tournament is a contest where participants who get the highest scores on slot machines within an allotted amount of time, or credits, are awarded prizes.

Some slot tournaments are offered free of charge but some may require an entry fee. At there is never a charge to play in any slot  tournament – it is always FREE!

Some websites that offer slot tournaments will require an entry fee.

However, at there is never a charge to play in any slot  tournament – it is always FREE!

We offer at least one new slot tournament every month and each tournament allows you to play multiple times for FREE. Be sure to come back often to see if a new slot tournament is available!

There is no “skill’ needed to play in a slot tournament. Slot machine results are based on pure random luck. So, even if you have never played a slot machine before, you can easily score as well as anyone who has been playing slots for years!

When you are finished playing you can look at the leader board to check your standing in the tournament.

Note: when you create your account to play in a free slot tournament you can also create an alias name for the leader board. You might want to use an alias so that your real user name is not shown on the slot tournament leader board.

To see the results of past tournaments, check our Tournament Results page –